第一科 80分🎀
💝正如人子来,不是要受人的服事,而是要服事人,并且要舍命,作许多人的赎价。太 20:28
So sorry for not updating everyone on my life!
I’ve been busy studying for my exams. ☺️😅
A few days ago, I was facing two difficult online exams, a professional diploma on nursing from both the UK and Australia.😰😰
It’s not easy... because it was a closed book exam, and I couldn’t refer to the textbooks or notes.
During the exam, my heart was pounding. It was tense and exciting. 💻
There were a lot of super difficult questions. 😰
Multiple choice questions actually have two to three answers, out of the five to six options, and true or false questions are not forgiving either...
In the end, this is what I got:
Subject 1: 80 points🎀
Subject 2: 100 points💯
The passing score is 80 points, so a 79 is a failing grade.
It was so close, much harder than I thought, but it was worth it!
At this time of the severe pandemic, I’d decided to earn professional nursing diplomas on nursing from both the UK and Australia.
It has been my dream to become a nurse since I was a child, and it’s also my favorite job.
I really wish to serve and take care of patients in need. 😇
At present, there is a shortage of professional nurses around the world who really understand natural medicine.
So, I hope I can prepare myself in this field. 📝📔
In the future, I hope to contribute to society by working on the front line to save souls when needed.
Of course, I have recently read reports that the front line is very difficult and some health care workers in other countries have had a hard time enduring it.
So far in this critical environment coupled with the viruses’ attack, some health care workers have been forced to give up on this most meaningful and sacred mission...
So, I hope this will encourage more people to join in to save more poor souls for God from being struck down by the illness.
Every cloud has a silver lining, ✝God will look after and preserve us.
Keep it up, everyone! 💪
💝It is more blessed to give than to receive!
May health and strength be with you always! ❤
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. (Matt. 20:28)
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研究發現,睡眠呼吸中止症與COVID-19死亡率有顯著相關(OR=1.79, 95% CI=1.31-2.45),但調整BMI及共病後,相關性消失,顯示睡眠呼吸中止導致COVID-19死亡之機制與... 完整轉譯文章,詳連結:http://forum.nhri.org.tw/covid19/virus/j_translate/j2064/ ( 財團法人國家衛生研究院 莊淑鈞博士摘要整理)
📋 (American Thoracic Society) American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine - 2020-09-18
Sleep apnea and COVID-19 mortality and hospitalization
■ Author:Brian E Cade, Hassan S Dashti, Syed M Hassan, et al.
■ Link:https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/10.1164/rccm.202006-2252LE?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmed
〈 國家衛生研究院-論壇 〉
➥ COVID-19學術資源-轉譯文章 - 2020/10/15
疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人
society of critical care medicine 在 新思惟國際 Facebook 的精選貼文
🎉🎉 熱騰騰的快訊再度來囉!「兩個關鍵選擇」,這篇被刊登在 IF 18.967 分的期刊!恭喜 耿立達 醫師!🎉🎉
【關鍵2】選擇 Imaging 分類投稿,增加期刊視覺豐富度,寫作上也比一般的個案報告快,是很聰明的選擇。
▌ 文章介紹
一位 36 歲男性,在 4 歲的時候因左側膿胸開過刀,這次因為胸痛與呼吸困難來到急診,且因急性呼吸衰竭而插了氣管內管支持供氧。
X 光發現,患者的左肺的確萎縮,看來像是雙側氣胸並有肺塌陷,但後來的電腦斷層卻發現,其實患者的確沒有左肺,而右肺代償性的增大,甚至跨過前縱膈腔,到達左側胸腔內部。這種超大型的代償,在兒童時期切除單側器官的患者較為常見,因為孩子的癒合、代償、適應力都特別好。
雖然 X 光看起來像是雙側氣胸,好像應該插兩根胸管才能解決,但因為電腦斷層清楚的把整個解剖構造釐清了,事實上患者只需要插一根右側胸管,就能搞定。
耿醫師團隊清楚的看見這個病例在臨床決策過程中有趣且容易犯錯的關鍵,除了清楚整理影像和病史之外,更明列了本例的教學意義,使得被接受的機會大增。而且,選擇 Imaging 分類投稿,增加期刊視覺豐富度,寫作上也比一般的個案報告快,是很聰明的選擇。
▌ 期刊介紹
Intensive Care Medicine 創刊於 1975 年,前身為 European Journal of Intensive Care Medicine。目前由 Springer Nature 發行,為 European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 以及 European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care 兩個學會的官方期刊。
2018 年的 impact factor 為 18.967,在 Critical Care Medicine 領域排名為 Q1(2/33) 期刊。
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The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) is the largest non-profit medical organization dedicated to promoting excellence and consistency in the ... ... <看更多>
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The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) is the largest non-profit medical organization dedicated to promoting excellence and consistency in the ... ... <看更多>